Machines de croissance de monocristaux Mots clé

photovoltaic industry semiconductor vacuum chamber America Asia Pacific Europe

Cyberstar Cyberstar -
- Parc Sud Galaxie - 1, rue des Tropiques, 38435 ECHIROLLES Cedex - France

email:, Tel. +49 7021 9569500

Cyberstar is a share company and was created in 1986 by Dr. F. Lissalde and B. Delagenière.
Cyberstar has three main fields of excellence:
furnaces, crystal growth equipments, X and gamma ray detectors and related electronics
produits: machines de croissance monocristal
  • Since the beginning, Cyberstar has been designing and manufacturing reliable and cost effective crystal growth equipments like Czochralski, Bridgman, floating zone, liquid phase epitaxy and, mirror furnaces (infrared or laser heating).
  • Our crystal growth machines are well known for their outstanding reliability and performance in many R&D laboratories and industrial companies. Some of our customers have already grown more than thousands of crystals with our machines.
  • These machines are able to operate under controlled partial pressures of oxygen and inert gas, under vacuum, at high temperature. They can be fully computerized for an optimum control of the process giving a maximum yield and requiring minimum supervision. A unique and powerful automatic diameter control is included in the control software of our Czochralski pullers (Oxypullers).



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